Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Learning Challenge: What is Sleep for a College Student?

Data Reveals How Some College Students Sleep
This article talked about a survey that found out how much sleep an average college student sleeps. They found that on average, students actually get at least seven hours of sleep a day. They also found that women get more sleep than men because they need to, due to biological reasons. I found this really interesting because I don't think I or any of my friends ever average 7 hours of sleep a week, unless it's the weekend or in the summer, when we don't have as many (or any) classes. 

One thing I already knew, however, was that as classes get tougher, students get less sleep. That is clearly evident throughout life, because I remember when I was in elementary school, my bedtime was 9 pm. I used to get almost 12 hours a sleep on the daily! In high school, I would get 8-9 hours of sleep at first, then eventually got to the point where on some weeks, I only got 4-5 hours a sleep due to some AP classes and tests coming up. In college, it truly depends on the week and the classes I'm taking. Some weeks, I'll have no tests or papers and hardly any coursework to finish, so I may get some sleep. Other weeks, I'll have 3 papers, 2 projects, 2 tests, AND an event coming up that I have to participate in. Those weeks, an all-nighter is bound to occur. Every day, every week, is different. 

Overall, I'm glad the results of the article were consistent with health needs. That is a little reassuring, so that is good :) I wish to explore the same question in this study to people of specific majors. For example, explore how much sleep Pre-Health students, education students, Pre-Law students, history students, engineering students, philosophy students, and business students get. I think it would be interesting to compare all the majors available at a university and see who all gets how much sleep. 

Source: An accurate description of the messy environment most college students sleep in, especially during finals week.

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